How to avoid side hustles you’ll get bored of

I just discovered possibly the simplest framework to solve this.

How to avoid side hustles you’ll get bored of
Note: originally published on my Tiny SEO Lessons blog
Ever find you start side projects you shouldn’t as a solopreneur?
Think about all the time we spend starting newsletters, blogs and other time-consuming ‘shower’ ideas. Spreading ourselves thin with fleeting interests.
I know I’m guilty — I’ve started plenty ideas in the past where I’ve run out of steam in a matter of weeks or months. They all seemed like a good idea at the time, and I wish I’d known a way to avoid the trap.
So imagine the focus and clarity we could have if we could easily discard bad ideas, or at least the ones you can’t stay motivated on?
The latest For the Interested micro newsletter from Josh Spector got my attention as it introduced the 100x Method. It’s a simple framework:
Only start things you’re willing to do 100 times
Why? It forces you to adopt a long-term mindset. Not just to commit, but see what could happen if you push through the dips in motivation.
There’s more to it than that, as he explains in the post. For me though, I just love the simplicity of that one sentence. Using that mindset is hopefully going to help with focussing on the right things from now on.
This is an approach that many of us solopreneurs could do with, and could save a lot of wasted time and energy. From now on, let’s invest in what truly matters, or at least is truly practical.

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